Everyone's doing their end of the year posts - and it got me thinking about my year. I guess I wanted to do this as a way to remember the big moments. And maybe some small ones on the way..
The first week or so was spent hanging out with my niece and nephew. We made friendship bracelets that they wore for a whopping 5 minutes before begging for me to take them off :)
I payed off my last semester - and after that, graduation came faster than I ever thought it would!
And we went to the drive in theater in Abilene! I love the drive in :) - except it was like 30 degrees out. We froze! We saw "The Grey" (which I loved. And everyone else HATED. Liam Nieson is just THAT good!) and "Contraband". The text is from my lovely friend Daniel who made fun of me for saying how completely GORGEOUS Mark Wahlburg is. Um, duh.
My apartment looked like hearts threw up all over it - oh, the perks of having teachers as roommates :) The "olive you" was my contribution!
My sweet nephew turned THREE this month. We had a cowboy themed party - and he even got a Woody doll! Sam is so funny - he's only three, but half the things he comes up with you don't know where they're from! He's kind, mischievous, and still says "I yuh you" instead of I love you. I wish he'd stay three forever!
Feb means Spring Rush time in the Greek world. And Spring Rush = awesome tshirts. But, I'm biased, because I designed them!
I ran in my very first Color Run with my sweet friend, Rachel and a few other friends. If you don't know what a Color Run is - the first picture is the before and the second, the after. SO fun!
Feb also means COWTOWN! I love the Cowtown races! The first picture is my dad and I after our 10k - the second is the next day when dad ran a half marathon! Two races in two days = crazy crazy boy - but I'm so proud of him :)
Spring Sing! And pledging! March has always been a crazy month since I joined a sorority - and this one was no exception. There was a bit of drama - and we got third (total crap, btw) but I still love those girls.
I went to the state park with my parents and my niece and nephew. My nephew told us he wanted "to go to a real park". Too funny. And this picture is too cute not to share :)
My 22nd birthday happened! My best friend Hannah made me the above cake (and if I remember correctly - I was eating on it for like a week! And couldn't finish!) and I had a small dinner with my good friends. Nothing too fancy or exciting - but it was wonderful!
I took my senior pictures! I'm so glad to have crazy good photographer friends (www.allisonjeanphoto.com)
I ran a 5k in my hometown with my daddy. It was probably the worst race I've run in :( but I learned how supportive and wonderful it is to have one of your best friends as your running partner! Love you dad.
The end of pledging and 15 new wittle baby sisters :) And hello - the most fun I think I've ever had with my sisters! I wish we would have always done inductions at a gymnastics gym! (that's me in the second picture, terrified for my life haha)
My first solo art show! Wow. I learned so much from this - it's not even funny. I started this project in March - and completed it the first part of April. The show stayed up for two weeks. I had this huge one and smaller paintings - all Dia de los Muertos inspired. And parts were dedicated to those I've lost lately. It was really special.
HPU fest was a favorite thing during my four years. Live bands, sweet sisters - and we even had spiked drinks this year! Haha cheers to that!
My last DXP banquet ever! I love San Antonio and I'm so glad it was there - but this banquet wasn't my favorite. Oh well..
Yup, April is still going..haha. Last, but certainly not least out of April was my Dad's first MARATHON! How awesome is he? He's my inspiration <3 font="font">
Well, obviously the best part of this year has been graduating college! I'm so thankful for those who helped me get to this point and who have loved me through it all!
Graduation not only happened to me - it happened to my brother, two of my cousins, and (in December 2012) my sister! Thankful for opportunities and for family!
My cousin Matt got married to his sweet wife Heather in May. And we had a rockin' good time :)
I officially had a change of address in June! I call Fort Worth home, and have my very first "grown up" apartment!
I saw ZZ TOP!! Best concert ever with my brother, daddy and uncle!
I started my job at a frozen yogurt place. And there's always characters there :)
I started school at the Art Institute! I love it. This picture was at the Modern museum - my favorite museum :)
My brother and his wife celebrated their FIVE year wedding anniversary by renewing their vows :) It was wonderful and so full of love. I'm blessed.
I, like every American, spent much of August glued to my tv. I mean, with all our hot swimmers out there - wouldn't you? :)
I was fortunate enough to help out with a friends proposal in August :) Justin and Caitlin (the pink dress and the precious boy to her right) are getting married in March!
A LOT of time was spent photographing. I mean really, that's my major..so, that's been my life! It lead to a lot of exploring of my new home though - which has been great!
My niece started PRESCHOOL! And I started wondering how I got to be so old?!
I figured out I LOVE night photography.
I ran - and almost died - in my first HALF MARATHON! Some advice? Don't run a half marathon when it's 80+ degrees outside..ughhhh!
My friend Austin and I went to the rodeo! Such a fun experience!
We had to do a lot of photoshoots down at the famous Stockyards - but, the best part? I got to pet a real reindeer :)
I took my sister's senior pictures! She's gorgeous :)
My parents celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary :)) We took them to a restaurant and gave them a trip for their present! I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful set of parents. I wouldn't be who I am today without them!
I don't like Halloween. Scary has never appealed to me. BUT, I found out that I will wear a Darth Vader helmet to get a $2 burrito from Chipolte. (also, kids saying "mom mom! It's Darth Vader! Coooool!" made me feel like the coolest person ever! Instant mood booster!)
I started BANJO lessons :) I LOVE it!
I went to a football game..to watch a cheerleader cheer! :) Proud of you Catherine!
My roommate from my senior year got MARRIED! I seriously consider Alisha to be one of my best friends. She, while at HPU, had always been a constant (wonderful!) presence in my life! I've never met someone that I consider to be a true original until this girl! Love you babygirl.

Thanksgiving = getting to go on 3 runs with dad, LEFSE (yummmm), Riley going on a "run" with dad, football, fried turkey, Indian dress up clothes and chest bumps. Wait, your Thanksgiving didn't have chest bumps? Sorryboutcha. :)
Also. I met Santa. BOO-YAH.
I took some pictures at the lake near my house - and I'm pretty sure they're my favorites ever :)
My best friend in the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD came to visit for a WHOLE WEEK! :D
Sister graduated!
And lastly, had a wonderful Christmas in Arizona! (there would be more pictures for this - but facebook decided to stop working?)
This year (and as I finish this, it's actually 2013..haha) has been extremely hard. BUT there have been some wonderful times. I've found that those people I started the year with, I may not end the year with them as friends. I might start some fights and I may get thrown into drama. I may have races that I feel like I can't finish - but have a running partner that's pushing me to!
I'm just..I'm so thankful right now. Thankful for my family. For my new life in Fort Worth. For new beginnings. For a job that supports me (mostly. I also can't wait to find a new job! hah) and for new opportunities that I've had since graduating from college.
I'm interested and excited to see where 2013 takes me! <3 font="font">